Books I'd Like Santa to Bring Me

Today's Top Ten Tuesday topic is Books I'd Like Santa to Bring Me. This is pretty easy. All of them.

Just kidding. How about these?

Strange Library by Haruki Murakami - This is a weird little book with lift the flaps and things in envelopes.

Hot Dudes Reading - There is an Instagram account that is just pictures taken surreptitiously of guys reading in public. The captions are absolutely hilarious.

As If!: And Oral History of Clueless by Jen Chaney - There's really no mystery here. I love Clueless.

The Almost Nearly Perfect People by Michael Booth - This is Christian Science Monitor's Best Book of the Year. 'Nuff said.

The Bookshop Book by Jen Campbell - I watch her YouTube channel and she's great. She has already written two books called "Weird Things People Say in Bookshops". This one is about different, unique bookstores around the world.

Careless People by Sarah Churchwell - This is kind of a biography of F. Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald around the time of the writing of The Great Gatsby.

The Romanov Sisters by Helen Rappaport - I'm super interested in this era of Russian history. I have several books on my wishlist.

The Mockingbird Next Door by Marja Mills - This one has some controversy surrounding whether or not Harper Lee knew her neighbor was going to write a book about her. But I've heard it's a great book.

At Large and At Small by Anne Fadiman - Essays are always good reading.

You Are a Badass by Jen Sincero - Because wouldn't that be a nice message to receive?

So there are ten books I would be okay with Santa putting under my tree.