Friday Reads 12/30/16

I must be feeling the stress, because I currently have 3 books started.

Prince Lestat and the Realms of Atlantis by Anne Rice - I'm up to about 100 pages. My favorite character from the original books finally turned up. I forgot how much I loved Louis.

The Bronte Myth by Lucasta Miller - I started this one finally. I really just read the introduction, so I don't really remember what it was about. But it's definitely about the Brontes. I got that much.

Women Who Read Are Dangerous by Stefan Bollman - I like this so far. It's a beautiful book about the tradition of pictures of women reading. It talks about why this is even a thing, and why it is controversial.

So those are the 3 I have on the go right now. What are you reading to start the new year?