Friday Reads 1/6/17

So far, I've only written the year as 2016 once. Not too shabby.

I am actually between books right now, so I'm not sure what I will read next. But probably one of the following:

18 and Life on Skid Row by Sebastian Bach - Bach was one of my teen heartthrobs back in the day. He's actually still touring worldwide. He did a stint on Broadway in a musical about Jekyll and Hyde. Dude has a voice.

Or I might read one of the 982 books I have at home that I haven't read. Also, I went to the bookstore yesterday and spent some of my gift cards.

NW by Zadie Smith - I hear so much great stuff about Zadie Smith. And this is the one that sounds the most like something I would enjoy. Also, it was $6.

I bought another Donna Leon book while I was there. Also $6 for a hardcover, but I'm not really feeling that right now. So probably not.

The Invisible Library by Genevieve Cogman - Mike ordered this from the library once, and I read about 2 pages of it. Enough to know it sounded good once I ever got in the head space to read it. So, I bought it yesterday with those gift cards I was talking about earlier.

The Quick by Lauren Owen - This is another one I started once upon a time. It was $6 at B&N yesterday, so I picked it up.

A Gentleman in Moscow by Amor Towles - I still have this on my stack. It's a little intimidating because of its size, but since my reading goal this year is 12, it really doesn't matter.

Anyway, there is a list of books I might read this weekend. Or I may jump the shark and pick up something completely different. Or I might not read at all. Anything is possible.