Library Update 2/23/17

Whoo boy! What a month! At one point I definitely had 20 books checked out. Two of those were two copies of the same book because I lost my copy of the book club book so a friend checked another copy out to me to read in time for book club. 3 days after book club, I found the missing one in my son's room. Obviously.

So Here's what's checked out to me right now:

Bad Machinery: The Lonely One by John Allison - This is a graphic novel about a group of teens in England and all the supernatural stuff that happens to them. This is actually the 4th volume. These are really fun.

Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes are High - This is for my research project for school.

Getting to Yes by Roger Fisher - Another research project book.

Powerful Phrases for Dealing with Difficult People by Renee Evenson - Same. Research project.

The Dollhouse by Fiona Davis - Spoiler. This is the March book club.

12: the elements of great managing by Rodd Wagner - Guess what that's for?

Becoming the Boss by Lindsay Pollak - This too.

And I have 0 items on hold right now.

So that's what's up on my library account. What do you have?