Friday Reads 3/17/17

It's finally Friday! I feel like it's been a month since the last one. I'm exhausted. I have to write a 30 page paper this weekend, so I don't foresee any kind of reading time being available to me, but that didn't stop me from ordering 17 books from the library.

A Gentleman in Moscow by Amor Towles - I have about 100 pages left in this one. I might even get it finished this month! Depends on that paper, though.

The Dollhouse by Fiona Davis - Book club is in a week. I've kind of fallen down on my reading of this one. It's not fabulous. It's only okay, so it's hard to make myself pick it up. Better focus on this one, though.

And I Darken by Kiersten White - This is one of the Sequoyah Award nominees for next year. I got this one on CD and I started listening to it in the car yesterday. It's a Vlad Dracul retelling. Kind of. It focuses on his daughter. It's pretty good so far.

So that's what's going on in my reading life. How about you?