Friday Reads 3/24/17

Prepare to be shocked. I have all new books on my Friday Reads today! Book club is tonight, and I actually finished A Gentleman in Moscow, so I have to figure out what to read!!

It shouldn't be too hard because I have a boatload of books checked out of the library.

And I Darken by Kiersten White - This is a 2018 Sequoyah Award nominee. I'm listening to it on CD in my car while I drive to work. I'm almost half way done with it, and I really like it. It's about the daughter of Vlad Dragula. She's a fireball.

Improbable Libraries by Alex Johnson - This is a cute little coffee table type book of pictures of different kinds of libraries. Tiny libraries, animal libraries, etc. It's very pretty.

My Lady Jane by Cynthia Hand, Brody Ashton, and Jodi Meadows - This is a YA novel about Lady Jane Grey. Well, Kind of. It's historical fiction, but it only has a passing resemblance to actual history. It's supposed to be hilarious and fun, and it sounds perfect for the tiny break I have between classes.

I'm super stoked to be reading something new!!! What's on your stack this week?