Most Unique Books

Today's Top Ten Tuesday topic is Most Unique Books. I could immediately think of a few unique books, so I thought I'd give this a shot.

Griffin and Sabine by Nick Bantock - This is one of the first books I remember seeing with removable pages. The story is about these two people sending each other letters. And the pages of the book have envelopes with the letters inside. They are on vellum paper. It was so cool to see the first time.

S. by J.J. Abrams - This is similarly produced. It's got things stuck between the pages, marginalia, and other exciting little bits and pieces.

Go the F*ck to Sleep by Adam Mansbach - This book is written like a children's book, but it is really for parents. It accurately reflects parents' struggles with getting the kid to go to bed. The audiobook narrated by Samuel L. Jackson is to die for.

Midieval Castle - I had this book as a kid that was a pop-up castle. When you opened it, this castle popped up with moving parts and such. Including a prisoner in the dungeon.

Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs - This book is full of pictures. The book was written around the pictures. The author and his friends went around finding weird old pictures at garage sales and stuff. Then the author made up a story to go with the pictures.

Twilight: Life and Death by Stephenie Meyer - This book is a double book. The original Twilight book is paired with the Life and Death rewrite. The second book is upside down on the back of the book. I really liked the rewrite, independent of the other book in the bind-up.

Humans of New York by Brandon Stanton - This book started from an Instagram account. The author takes pictures of people in New York and then gets their story. He posts the pictures with the stories. This is basically a book of Instagram posts, but it's really interesting.

Jane Austen Cover to Cover by Margaret C. Sullivan - This is exactly what it says. It's a picture book of all the covers of Jane Austen novels over the centuries. Well, not ALL. I found a couple on my shelves that were not in the book, but whatever.

London 365 - This is a book of scenes in London that includes the bench where Mike proposed to me in St. James Park. The pages with large pictures have fold-out pages, so you can see the whole picture.

Texts from Jane Eyre by Mallory Ortberg** - This is a collection of hilarious imaginings of what classic characters would have texted if they had that capability.

Okay, so there's 10 unique books. What would you add to the list?