Top SFF Books on My TBR

Today's Top 5 Wednesday topic is My Top SFF Books on My TBR. So I went all through my Goodreads TBR shelf and wrote down all the books that may conceivably be called Science Fiction or Fantasy. I think I found maybe 2 Science Fiction Books. 3 if you count the alternate history book. But anyway, here is what I came up with for a top 5.

Crosstalk by Connie Willis - I still haven't read this. This is one of the Science Fiction picks. A couple undergoes a special surgery intended to make them more emotionally connected, but they end up connected to other people? Or something like that. It's a great set up for some comedy gold.

Gemina by Amy Kaufman and Jay Kristoff - This is the sequel to Illuminae which I highly enjoyed last year. These books could have gone on that unique books post from yesterday, but I didn't think of it. They are written in government documents, IM scripts, computer readouts, etc. Very entertaining. It takes place in space, so I think it's definitely Science Fiction.

Iron to Iron by Ryan Graudin - This is the alternate history book I was talking about. It's the sequel to Wolf by Wolf. In the first one, a young girl is determined to kill Hitler after his Axis troops won World War II. It's so so good. There is a little Science Fiction involved. She was the product of a Nazi experiment to turn her skin white. The by-product was she can shape shift.

A Natural History of Dragons by Marie Brennan - This is the first in the Lady Trent novels. Lady Trent is a Victorian lady who scientifically studies dragons. I hear it's amazing, and I can't wait to check it out.

The Reader by Traci Chee - This is a post-apocalyptic novel about a girl in a non-literate society who finds a book. It's the key to her heritage, and will save her life, if she figures out how to read it. This is a Sequoyah Award Nominee for 2018 and I am on hold to get it.

So there are five SFF books on my TBR. What SFF books do you have in mind to read?