Friday Reads 4/13/17

The days just fly by! Except for when they don't. Like Wednesday that was a terrible, awful, no good, very bad day. That day took forever. But here we are at Friday again. What's on my reading plate? I'll tell you.

Rich and Pretty by Rumaan Alam - This is the book club book I chose for this month. I have been reading 15 pages a day and I'm almost half way through it. It's not terrible. I thought it was going to be terrible in the first chapter, but it has shaped up a bit. There isn't a lot of plot right now. One friend is getting ready for a wedding, and the other is thinking about making a play for the office temp. Lots of flashback to high school and college.

NeuroTribes by Steve Silberman - I have read a little bit more, but not a ton. It's one of those books that is super interesting and fascinating when you are reading it, but once you put it down, you don't really feel like picking it back up. I feel like I need a solid chunk of reading time, but that might just be an effect of the size of the physical book.

That's pretty much it. I still have 2 chapters left in my school work to read and I need to look at a group project that's due in a few weeks. I'm going to Texas next week for a conference, so I need to be sure to get lots done before I leave. That will be difficult with 2 classes on 2 different evenings before I leave. I will definitely be taking it with me. Oy!

So what's on your nightstand for this weekend?