Book Buying Habits Tag

I stole this from Booktube. Tags are entertaining.

  1. Where do you buy your books?

    • I have this amazing credit card from Barnes and Noble. I earn points by using the card and when I get a bunch of points, they send me a $25 B&N gift card. They send them more often that I can use them, so I like to buy books there. If I need a book in a hurry, and I don't foresee a chance to get to the bookstore, I order from Amazon. I bought my last textbook from Also, I'm a member of Book of the Month, so I get books from them.
  2. Do you ever pre-order books? Online or in store?

    • I have pre-ordered a couple of books online. I haven't pre-ordered in store. I don't think. I don't do this regularly. Even for books I am looking forward to.
  3. How many books do you buy a month, on average?

    • Maybe 4-5? I usually get a book from Book of the Month. I mostly order books for my daughter online. And occasionally, we take a trip to the store. That might be an overestimation.
  4. Do you use your local library?

    • Hahahahahaha! Um, yes. Well, I don't use the branches near me very often, but I work at a branch on the other side of town. Yes, I check out a lot of books.
  5. If so, how many can you check out at once?

    • The library policy is 50 items checked out at a time.
  6. How do you feel about library books?

    • I love them. Unless they smell like cigarette smoke.
  7. How do you feel about secondhand books?

    • That depends on how much they cost. If it's an expensive used book, I expect it to be in good condition. If it's cheap, I don't care about its condition too much. In general, I don't mind secondhand books. I work in a library. We deal entirely in secondhand books.
  8. Do you keep your read books and TBR books together on the shelf, or are the separate?

    • I do keep them separate!! When I'm looking for something to read, I go stand in front of my unread books shelf and wait for something to jump out at me. However, at this point, my unread books shelves are overcrowded and I have taken over a table in the living room. Oops.
  9. Do you plan to read all the books on your shelf?

    • Of course I do!! Now, will that happen? Probably not. But a girl can dream.
  10. What do you do with the books you don't want to keep?

    • I donate them. Usually to the library book sale. Sometimes to Goodwill. Sometimes I sell them to the used book store by my house.
  11. Do you ever donate books?

    • See above.
  12. Have you ever been on a book buying ban?

    • Not as such. For those of you wondering what the heck that is, it's when a person decides to not buy books for a certain period of time, or until they've read a certain number of books they own. Sometimes I just don't have money for books, but I haven't ever told myself I CAN'T buy books. That's just asking for a book buying spree.
  13. Do you think you buy too many books?

    • Maybe. I buy more books than I can reasonably read. Especially while I'm in grad school. But I don't believe in the concept of "too many books". There's no such thing, really.

I'm sorry about the bizarre way this post is formatted. That's not what it looked like while I was typing, and no matter what I did to change the format, it didn't change the outcome. Weird.

Do you have any answers to these questions?