Library Update 5/22/17

It's that time again. Let's see what's going on on my library account. I just looked at it and most of the books checked out to me are for my kids. I'll just leave those off this list.

The Steep and Thorny Way by Cat Winters - I have this checked out because it is a Sequoyah nominee for 2018, but I don't have any idea when I'll get to it. It's sitting on my desk at work.

By the Book by the New York Times Book Review - I have had this checked out for weeks and I finally started it this week. I'm really enjoying these interviews with various authors about what they're reading.

Giant Days, Vol. 2 by John Allison - I loved the first collection of these comics. They're so spot on about kids in their first year of college.

Aspergils by Rudy Simone - I'm learning a lot about girls with Asperger Syndrome from this little book.

So that's what I have checked out. Let's look at what I have on hold.

How to Survive a Plague: How Citizens and Science Tamed AIDS by David France - This has been recommended several times on various podcasts and book lists.

Lumberjanes, Vol. 5 by Noelle Stephenson - I love this series. It's about a group of girls at summer camp who are terrible scouts. And they always run into some kind of supernatural event. Hilarious!

Every Body Yoga by Jessamyn Stanley - I might just go buy this one. I'm number 25 on the hold list.

There are 2 more books on my hold list, but those are for a kid, so I'll leave those off.