Auto-Read Authors

I have joined a new group on Goodreads. It is called Monthly Recommendations and basically it is a group that gives you a topic for each month. July's topic is Auto-Read Authors. This refers to authors whose work you plan to read as soon as you can get your hands on it. I have a few of these, so I decided to share.

Amor Towles - Now, he's only put out two books, but they're both just so great, that I plan to read everything he writes. A Gentleman in Moscow was especially transfixing. I loved it.

John Allison - This British author writes Giant Days and the Bad Machinery graphic novels series. I love both of these series, even though they are quite different from each other. Bad Machinery is about middle school kids who run into supernatural shenanigans, and Giant Days is about college kids. They're super funny.

Donna Leon - I'm trying to read the entire Guido Brunetti series, but I haven't read them in order and I keep forgetting which I've read. The struggle is real.

Stephanie Barron - She writes the Jane Austen Mystery series which I have vastly enjoyed. She has captured Jane's voice so well, you almost believe it really could have happened.

Sarah Vowell - I gotta support the Oklahoma gals. Sarah Vowell writes history books that are hilarious! She adds her current-day spin on the stories she tells and sheds them in a totally new light.

Christopher Moore - Another hysterically funny author. I love his vampire series because it's so ridiculous and it features Abby Normal, the vampire minion who makes large, gay cops cry.

Erin Morgenstern - She's only published The Night Circus so far, but I solemnly swear to read anything else she comes up with.

There are two more that I hesitate to put on this list because I only like one series that they publish. Janet Evanovich writes more than just the Stephanie Plum series, but I only like the Stephanie Plum series. I've read a few of the others, but they just don't do it for me. And Anne Rice write others than the Vampire Chronicles, but the witches and werewolves are just not the same. So whenever a book in these series comes out, I'm getting it ASAP, but not the other ones.

I realize that I don't have very high brow taste. I mean, I read "Literatoor", but my very favorite authors don't write that stuff. What can I say? I just don't have Ivy League taste.

Who are your auto-read authors?