Library Update 7/20/17

It is time, once again, for the library update. This is where I tell you what I have checked out and what I have on hold on my library account.

Checked out to my account, I have 2 books on Tolkien that I checked out for my son to read before his trip to London and Oxford. He is currently in London, so I could probably return those anytime. In the same vein, I have book on D-Day checked out. He visited Omaha Beach two days ago, so that one also needs to be returned.

For my daughter, I have a book called It's Not A Perfect World, But I'll Take It by Jennifer Rose. It's a book of life lessons for autistic teens.

And for myself I have a copy of Still Life With Tornado by A.S. King. This is the Sequoyah Award Book I had chosen to read this month. I started it. I read a few chapters. I kind of hated it. It's very dark and depressing. That will be going back unread.

I also have a book called The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson. I got this to read during my early morning, self-improvement sessions, but I can't be bothered to get up. We'll see what happens to this book.

And lastly, I have another Sequoyah Award Book called The Serpent King by Jeff Zentner. This one is going much better. I think I'll go on ahead and finish this one.

So that's all that I have checked out, let's see what's on hold...

Firstly, I have 3 volumes of Giant Days by John Allison on hold. Volumes 3, 4, and 5, to be exact. And as is the way of libraries, Volume 5 will probably come sooner than the others. The struggle is real.

I have a book on hold that is meant for my daughter. It's The Inexplicable Logic of My Life by Benjamin Alire Saenz. She loved the last book she read by this author, so she is looking forward to this one.

I am waiting for Lumberjanes Vol. 6 by Noelle Stephenson. This series of graphic novels is just so much fun. This is the one about the girls at camp who always manage to run across some supernatural occurence.

I'm super excited for Now I Rise by Kiersten White. This is the sequel to And I Darken which is the retelling of the Dracula myth with Vlad Dracul changed to a teenage girl. At the end of the first book, she was headed back to her native land to take over and rule.

And finally, I have a hold on My Life with BOB: flawed heroine keeps book of books, plot ensues by Pamela Paul. This book excites me because Pamela Paul is the editor of the New York Times Book Review and this is her story about BoB. BoB stands for Book of Books. Since I have kept a Book of Books for about 30 years, this is very gratifying to me. I can't wait to get my hands on this one.

So what is happening in your library life?