Friday Reads 7/18/17

Friday. Here it is. Putting pressure on my to say what I am going to read. Well, here's what I've got.

At Large and At Small by Anne Lamott - I started this little book of essays a few days ago. It's very interesting. These are just essays about whatever. One of them is on ice cream. So they are easy to read and minorly fascinating.

A Fierce and Subtle Poison by Samantha Mabry - This is the Sequoyah book I picked for August and my copy came in yesterday. It smells heavenly. It is clearly a new copy.

I don't foresee a lot of reading time coming up. I have a paper due on Monday. And I'm a little nervous about it. I don't think it's especially hard, but I'm struggling to figure out what it is I'm supposed to do. Once I figure it out, I'll be fine. But first I have to do all the weekly lecture work. Gah!

What is on your stack to read this week?