Back to School!

Today's Top Ten Tuesday topic is a back to school freebie. Since my kids went back to school last week, I will share with you what they are reading these days.

The Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan - This is my son's summer reading requirement this summer. He said it was pretty boring.

Every Heart a Doorway by Seanan McGuire - Alyssa bought this at The Tattered Cover in Denver. She takes it back and forth to school (mama's so proud) and reads it during free moments. She started it yesterday and said she's intrigued.

The Inexplicable Logic of My Life by Benjamin Alire Saenz - Alyssa loved Saenz' first book and she waited on hold for this one at the library for ages.

Alex and Eliza by Melissa de la Cruz - This is a YA historical fiction about Alexander Hamilton and his wife. Alyssa is a fan of all things Alexander Hamilton, so here we are.

Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green - This YA novel is about two strangers who meet and find out they share the same name.

We Were Liars by E. Lockhart - This book made a huge splash a couple of years ago because of the major twist at the end. It's about a bunch of rich kids who meet every summer at the lake houses.

You Know Me Well by Nina LaCour - This is about a couple of kids who sit by each other in class, but don't really talk. They both find themselves at the gay night club in the city one night, and they both worry about their reputations.

That's not 10, but it's all I got right now. Enjoy!