Friday Reads 8/25/17

Holy smokes. I have been so out of it I forgot it was Friday.

I'm still not well. I'm just waiting for this anti-biotic to do its job.

Anyway, if I can focus enough to read, here's what I'm looking at.

The Family Romanov by Candace Fleming - I feel like this was the perfect book to start off my Russian History kick. I have recently purchased several books on Russian history and I just randomly picked this one to be the first. It's written for a YA audience, so it's pretty basic. Everything is laid out chronologically and in language I can even understand while sitting in doctor's office waiting rooms. Oy!

My Bookstore edited by Ronald Rice - This is perfect for my steroid addled brain. When I can't get my brain to shut off at night, picking this up helps me drift off into a nice cozy haze. Reading about people's love of bookstores is just the place I want to be.

So while I continue to cough and feel like there is a large animal sitting on my chest, and fight off this headache that is encroaching, I will distract myself with these fine works.

What are you reading?