August 2017 Wrap Up

Hooray!!! August is over!!! Goodbye August.

Here is what I read in the month of August. Let's start with my TBR.

Lillian Boxfish Takes a Walk by Kathleen Rooney - Done! This was the book club book for the month and I really enjoyed it. I really love "slice of life" type stories and this was great. Lillian is a pretty feisty lady and I liked her.

A Fierce and Subtle Poison by Samantha Mabry - Done! This is on the Sequoyah nominees list AND the author is coming to Teen Book Con in October. Double win! I liked this story. It was pretty dark and had some magical realism elements that I appreciated.

The Steep and Thorny Way by Cat Winters - DNF. I started this. I tried. The writing was good, the characters were interesting. But I am not a fan of Hamlet retellings. I'm just not. Sorry. Not Sorry.

The Revenant by Sonia Gensler - Nope. Haven't even picked this up. It's still on the kitchen counter. I still totally plan to, though. It's on my September TBR.

The Family Romanov by Candace Fleming - Kind of. I'm over half way through this book. It has been my doctor visit bag. I have a couple more of those coming up this week, so I will get some more of this read. I like it pretty well. These people were a weird group, for sure.

Ok so that's 2 finished from that list. Let's explore what else I read that kept me from reading the TBR books.

Lumberjanes Vol. 6: Sink or Swim by Shannon Watters - The camping girls are at it again. This time they find out their new camp counselor is really a sea captain, but some selkies stole her ship. They stole her ship because they think she stole one of their skins leaving that selkie stuck as a human. Then Seafarin' Karen turns into a werewolf and things really get nuts.

Giant Days Vol. 3 by John Allison - The kids are finishing up their first semester at University and political scandal is afoot. One of the girls loses herself into the mad scramble of a student council election and her friends have to bring her back. It's truly madcap and hilarious.

So that's everything I read this month. Only 4, but that's better than none. I lost some days hemming and hawing over that Hamlet book. I might have been able to finish one more if not for that. And two of last month's TBR has been migrated to this month's list, so it's not a complete wash.

What did you read in August?