Friday Reads 9/8/17

It's FriYAY!

Once again my weekend is jam packed, but here's what is on the back burner just in case.

Idaho by Emily Ruskovitch - This is the book club book for this month and I've read about 100 pages so far. I've already made my predictions about what is going to happen. Let me just say that this book is seriously foxed up. The first section is told by a woman who is trying to figure out what happened to her husband's first wife and their two daughters. He had told her, but his memory is going. The next section is told by somebody else, so we'll see what happens.

Giant Days 4 by John Allison - This is due back at the library on Saturday, so I really need to get it read. It won't take long, so there's really no excuse.

Let's be real. That's probably all I'm going to have time for. I would add my Romanov book but I don't have any doctor's appointments scheduled. That doesn't mean I won't end up there, but they are not currently scheduled. If I do, I'll read the Romanovs.

What is on your book stack for this weekend?