It's so close!!!

Guys. Guys. Guess what? I finished my project last night. No. I know. Really. It's done. The paper ended up being 60 pages total. I'm super proud of it. I printed off a copy and I've been making everyone look at it. I feel so much better!

I decided to take today off. I went to class and I organized some things, but I didn't work on my next project. I'm meeting with my project partner on Saturday. I love her. She's so happy and positive. And her cat joins her at meetings. I think we'll do well.

That project is due Wednesday night. And then I get one whole day off before the next quarter starts.

I'm happy this quarter is wrapping up. It's been tough. Tough on me and tough on my family. I don't really know what is in store for me in the next two classes I'm taking. I'm hoping very much that it's a little less banana pants. I literally have one class left.

Tomorrow I will present my project to my librarian and turn everything in. And that's it! In the other class, we'll put the pieces together and make the website and turn it in. Our project is to catalog a collection. Our collection is Jane Austen. We are cataloging Pride and Prejudice, and Marrying Mr. Darcy card game, and a Jane Austen figurine. So even if it's hard, at least I will like what I'm looking at.

Thanks for listening to me whine all the time. I know I did this to myself, but I just need to let off steam a little bit.