November 2017 TBR
I love November! And not just because it kicks off with my birthday. I love the atmosphere of November. Thanksgiving is coming. I love Thanksgiving food. Also, Christmas is in the not too distant future, so everyone is anticipating the holiday but it's not so close that everyone is freaking out and stressed. The weather is finally beginning to cool off and it's just a nice, happy time. This November, I am having some outpatient surgery that requires a week of recovery time. I am very much hoping that at least a few of those days can be dedicated to reading. I figure the first two or three might be incapacitated by pain medication, but I hope I can get at least some good reading time in.
So here's what I hope to read in November:
Our Souls At Night by Kent Haruf - This is the book club book for November. It is a tiny little thing and it's about to be made into a movie with Jane Fonda and Robert Redford. I love Haruf's writing, so I'm looking forward to this.
The Female of the Species by Mindy McGinnis - I wasn't really feeling this one, but I heard a discussion of it today on a YA podcast I listen to that really piqued my interest. It actually sounds pretty good. This is a Sequoyah Award Nominee so I was going to give it a go anyway, but now I'm actually looking forward to it.
Book Was There: Reading in Electronic Times by Andrew Piper - I was scrolling through my Goodreads TBR and ran across this. I decided now was as good a time as any, so I ordered it from the library. This book is five years old, so the information in it is not current. Especially since ebook sales are tanking as quickly as they soared in the beginning. But it might be interesting to see what he says.
The Making of Jane Austen by Devoney Looser - This one is finally in circulation so I am hoping it comes for me in November.
Hardcore Twenty-Four by Janet Evanovich - Same with this one. It's not out yet, but the library orders lots of copies because it has a huge hold list already. It comes out November 14, so I MIGHT get it by the end of November.
That's five books. That seems about right. If I do get to read while I'm recuperating, I might get to pick up even more. What are your plans for November reading?