October 2017 Wrap Up

After a whirlwind October, I am ready to give you an accounting of what I read. Here we go!

Let's start with what was on my TBR:

The Revenant by Sonia Gensler - Done! I enjoyed this little ghost story. It was well done and set near my house. I love a historical mystery.

When Dimple Met Rishi by Sandhya Menon - Done! I love the message of this book. The girl did not change herself or her goals to make room for the guy. Excellent!

Scythe by Neal Shusterman - Doing? I'm over 100 pages in this book and I like it. In this society, science has made it so no on dies. So in order to keep the population down, there are Scythes. They "glean" people when it is deemed to be their time. This book is about 2 kids who are apprentice scythes. At the end of their apprenticeship the scythe will choose one to become a full scythe. Neither of them wants it.

Up to This Pointe by Jennifer Longo - Also doing. I'm enjoying this, but I've been at the halfway point for almost a week. Sigh.

Reading People by Anne Bogel - I enjoyed this. I guess I didn't realize the personality scales were different. I thought they were all related. And they are, but they're not.

And that's it for my TBR! I call that a win.

Now we'll look at what else I read in October. As it turns out there are only 2 more books and they are both carryovers from previous months:

The Sun is Also a Star by Nicola Yoon - This was my September Sequoyah book which I saved until the last minute and my reading spilled over into October. Kind of like what is happening now.

The Family Romanov by Candace Fleming - This was my doctor waiting room book. I read this completely in doctor waiting rooms. Took forever but I got it done. It was pretty interesting. The YA level was just perfect for an introduction to this subject.

So I finished 5 books in October! Yay me!

What did you get read this month?