Friday Reads 11/17/17

Hey-O! It's Friday!

Not that that means anything right now because I'm trying to catch up on schoolwork from having surgery last week, and I have to work Saturday. Also, I am getting ready for Thanksgiving this weekend. So, probably won't get a lot of reading done, but I'm working a little bit in every day.

The Female of the Species by Mindy McGinnis - This is this month's Sequoyah Award nominee. I'm about half way through it. Listen, this book is brutal. Everything about these kids' lives is brutal. We will see if I can stomach my way through this one.

The Making of Jane Austen by Devoney Looser - I wasn't sure this one was going to make it to me from my library list in time to get read this month, but I got it yesterday!!! In the event that I finish the first one, or ditch it, I am stoked to get this one going.

What will you be reading this weekend?