Goodreads Update 11/27/17

Alrighty, it's almost the end of November. Let's check out what I've added to my Goodreads account. Oh wow. It looks like it's a lot. Uhhh. Well, here we go.

Eleventh Grave in Moonlight by Darynda Jones - I'm on number 7 right now. When I finish that I'll add 8, 9, and 10. But I noticed this one came out so I added it to my list.

The Dead Girls of Hysteria Hall by Katie Alender - In October, I became the ruler of the Tween book section at work. I am reading the YA Sequoyah books because I used to only be the ruler of the YA book section. I don't feel like I have time to read the entire Tween Sequoyah list, but I picked a few that looked interesting to try to get to. This is one of them.

Roller Girl by Victoria Jamieson - This is another one from the Tween Sequoyah list that looks good. Also, it's a graphic novel, so it'll read fast.

I Am Princess X by Cherie Priest - I think this is the last one from the Tween list I've added.

Books to Die For by John Connelly - Connelly is a mystery/thriller writer, so I'm interested to see what he has to say about books to die for.

Fictitious Dishes: An Album of Literature's Most Memorable Meals by Dinah Fried - Books and food: What's not to love?

At Home with Jane Austen by Kim Wilson - I've had this on my Amazon wishlist for five-ever, but I just noticed it wasn't on my Goodreads list. Oops!

Faro's Daughter by Georgette Heyer - I love Georgette Heyer. I hadn't heard of this one before.

The Highbury Murders: A Mystery Set in the Village of Jane Austen's Emma by Victoria Grossack - This has every indication of being complete junk, but maybe it will end up being cute.

Consuelo and Alva Vanderbilt: The Story of a Daughter and a Mother in the Gilded Age by Amanda Mackenzie Stuart - I read about this family when I was reading about the phenomenon of American rich girls marrying impoverished English lords.

The Phantom of Fifth Avenue: The Mysterious Life and Scandalous Death of Huguette Clark by Meryl Gordon - I read about Huguette Clark in Empty Mansions. I don't remember anything particularly scandalous about her death, but maybe I'm wrong. I remember she was bizarre.

Juvenile in Justice by Richard Ross - Hearkening back to my juvenile justice days...

Ice: A Memoir of Gangster Life and Redemption - From South Central to Hollywood by Ice-T - I love Ice-T. He's led a very interesting life. And I think he's made good on it.

Ancillary Justice by Ann Leckie - I think I had this on my to-read list before, but I guess I took it off. Well, now it's back on.

Seventh Grave and No Body by Darynda Jones - I currently have this book checked out. It will make an appearance on my December TBR.

Fall Down 7 Times, Get Up 8: A Young Man's Voice From the Silence of Autism. by Naoki Higashida - Autism books are apparently my jam.

Smoke Gets In Your Eyes: And Other Lessons From the Crematory by Caitlin Doughty - I've heard amazing things about this book on a decidedly morbid topic.

Beasts of Extraordinary Circumstance by Ruth Emmie Lang - This one starts with a kid stopping a tornado in Oklahoma. I'm here for it.

Pride and Prejudice and Mistletoe by Melissa De La Cruz - A Christmas Pride and Prejudice with a gender-flip? Yes please.

Bollywood Kitchen: Home-Cooked Indian Meals Paired with Unforgettable Bollywood Movies by Sri Rao - Probably I'm not familiar with enough Bollywood movies for this to make much sense, but I sure do like Indian food!

Truthwitch by Susan Dennard - This one was definitely on my to-read shelf a while back and I took it off, but now I'm interested again. Who knows how long it will stay.

The Passion of Cleopatra by Anne Rice - You know how I feel about Anne Rice. This one is not in the Vampire Lestat series, but it's not about witches, so I'm down.

All The Crooked Saints by Maggie Stiefvater - My daughter and I saw her speak last month and we really enjoyed it. I have read several of her other books, and thought they were great. Alyssa wanted to buy the book while we were there, so we did.

The Trouble with the Twelfth Grave by Darynda Jones - And then the 12th book came out. I really gotta get reading on this series!

How to Think: A Survival Guide for a World at Odds by Alan Jacobs - Jacobs wrote The Pleasures of Reading in an Age of Distraction with is one my absolute favorite reads. I read it all the time for comfort reading.

Old Scores by Will Thomas** - This is his latest book. I'm pretty sure I'm way behind. I haven't even looked into which ones I haven't read. I'm pretty sure I read the first four.

The Austen Escape by Katherine Reay - She writes some really fun books. Mostly Austen-related.

Destination Simple: Everyday Rituals for a Slower Life by Brooke McAlary - I am under some delusion that I can make my life simpler without quitting my job or giving away my kids. But it will be nice to read about it.

I would have added pictures of the covers, but that would have made it super long. What do you think? Is it better to have a long post with pictures to break it up?

So those are all the books I've added to my list in the last month. It's quite a bit. What is new on your TBR this month?