School Update 11/29/17

So here we are. 3 weeks of school left. Which means 2 papers left in one class and 4 labs and a project left in the other. I'm not worried about the 2 papers in the one class. One of those is half way done, and it's due Friday. The labs are probably fine, too. It's the project that might send me over the edge.

It would be fine if all I had to do was write some code and turn it in. But no. I have to describe why I wrote what I wrote, and how all the parts relate to the other parts, and what is the purpose of the whole thing. The worst part is that I have to use all the correct language for it! The nerve! So anyway, it's a big project.

I am sure I have an A in my Information Policy class. I probably have an A in my Database class. Crossing my fingers. I don't always understand everything that's being said in that class.

After the 3 weeks are over, I get two whole weeks off!!! I'm going to read. And sleep! And hang out with my family. And help my daughter get her school done. Yes, she has to work over the break.