New-To-Me in 2017 Authors

Today's Top Ten Tuesday topic is New-To-Me Authors I read in 2017. I went back through the books I read in 2017 and I noticed that a large number of the books I read were YA books. And most of the authors I picked for this post wrote those YA books. I'm not sure if I didn't read too many new-to-me authors of adult books, or if I just wasn't that impressed with the new-to-me authors I did read this year. Either way, here are my top ten new-to-me authors I read in 2017.

  1. Kiersten White - No one will be surprised that this author is on my list. I loved her book And I Darken that I read this year. It's the Dracula myth retelling with a teenage girl main character.

  2. Sandhya Menon - I didn't plan to like her book, When Dimple Met Rishi. I thought it would be simplistic and the usual teen romance book. I ended up really liking it. And not just because it referenced yummy Indian food.

  3. John Corey Whaley - This is the first book by this author I've ever read because the others I've heard about sound really manly and gross and uninteresting. I only bothered because it was a Sequoyah book. I was pleasantly surprised because it was pretty deep and emotional. It got deeper inside the characters than I expected.

  4. Daniel Jose Older - Shadowshaper was a Sequoyah book and I really liked it. This teenage girl has some powers she didn't know about that are related to her street art. She lives in a rough borough of NYC. Her friends are fun people, too.

  5. Jeff Zentner - His book The Serpent King was great. It's his first book and I can't wait to see what he produces next. This one really got into the lives of these 3 kids in a tiny town in the South. It was a really great book.

  6. Nicola Yoon - The Sun is Also a Star seemed like it was going to be another boring romance, but I'd heard good things about it. I should really stop underestimating the Sequoyah committee. It was a really good story about two kids in NYC.

  7. Cale Dietrich - This might be the only YA book here that wasn't a Sequoyah book. I do read YA even when it's not for work. This was about two guys who work for the government and were sent to make the same girl fall in love with them. The one who loses dies. Then the guys fall in love with each other. Oops.

  8. Traci Chee - This is my least favorite of the YA books. The Reader was fast-paced and interesting, but the characters weren't as developed as in the other books.

  9. Kathleen Rooney - And now for the two adult books on the list. Lilian Boxfish Takes a Walk was highly entertaining. I want to be like her when I get old. But without the alcoholism and depression.

  10. Genevieve Cogman - She wrote The Invisible Library which was a fun little weird mystery. It was very steam punk. It's the first in a series, so I might read the next one, too.

So there are the top ten new-to-me authors I read in 2017. What were your favorite new authors last year?