School and Life Update

Today is the first day of classes for the quarter. I gotta admit I'm a little tired of the whole rigmarole. Luckily my class today is with one of my favorite professors. The class is managing a school library. With any luck I will never have to manage a school library, but I had the chance to take another class with Dr. Stripling, so I did.

The other class is Instructional Techniques. I thought it was going to be mainly focused on academic libraries, but it's not really. It's a lot about what I already do: teaching computer literacy. The professor of record is my other favorite professor, Dr. Oakleaf, but the person teaching my section is the woman who wrote the book New Information Librarian, so that should be useful. I'm pretty stoked about what I'll learn in this class.

After this quarter, I'll have one more quarter of classes and a quarter of internship and then I'll be done! There is a light at the end of the tunnel!

As for life, well, it's full steam ahead. The boy put in his application for a full tuition scholarship at his school. If he makes it past the first round, we will be taking a trip to Denver for interviews. It just happens to be the same time that my boss will be in Denver for ALA Midwinter Conference. I'm still teaching dance and ringing handbells. Still running the book club. I really thought when I started school that I would have to give up something. Luckily, that something turned out to be cleaning my house, not sleep or anything else I actually like. Funny how that worked out.