Friday Reads 2/16/18

It's FriYAY! And I do mean YAY! I actually get a 3-day weekend this time! I'm totally stoked! I have book club tonight, and we ring bells in church on Sunday, but I get the rest of the three days to rest and catch up with my life! And since I will have so much extra time hanging around, I might even get to read!!!

Gemina by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff - I've read about a quarter of this when I was supposed to be reading other things cough cough school cough cough. I'm really enjoying it.

A Natural History of Dragons by Marie Brennan - I started this last night when I needed something dense to help me get to sleep. I read the preface and one chapter. It worked. Not that it wasn't good, but my dog was curled up next to me with his head between the pillows. The two combined to knock me right out.

So that's what is on my plate for the weekend. What books are on your horizon?