Graphic Novel Recommendations

Today's Monthly Recommendations topic is Graphic Novels. I like lots of graphic novels. Allow me to recommend...

Bad Machinery by John Allison - I love this series about British middle school kids who repeatedly run up against paranormal phenomena.

Giant Days by John Allison - Same author, but this one is about college kids. Not a lot has changed in 25 years.

Lumberjanes by Noelle Stevenson - This is a great series about girls at scout camp. But it's unlike any scout camp you ever went to.

Ms. Marvel by G. Willow Wilson - The new Ms. Marvel is a Pakistani girl from Jersey. She's great. And she gets help from her super hero friends.

Adulthood is a Myth by Sarah Andersen - This little book of webcomics is super cute and makes me feel good about my level of adulthood.

That's a pretty good selection. This is the Monthly Recommendations list, and some of the ones I like, I can't really recommend to anyone. I recognize that they are just not for the usual readers of my blog.