Books I Could Re-Read Forever

Today's Top Ten Tuesday topic is books I could re-read forever. I'm not sure that I can find 10, but I will give it a shot. I used to re-read more than I do now. Let's face it, I used to read more than I do now, much less re-read. I have a whole lotta books so a book has to really scratch some itch to merit a re-read.

  1. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen - Because duh.

  2. The Pleasures of Reading in an Age of Distraction by Alan Jacobs - I re-read this when I'm in a terrible slump. It helps me find the joy in reading again.

  3. The Uncommon Reader by Alan Bennett - Another Alan. This book is so whimsical and weird and I want to be the queen.

  4. So Many Books, So Little Time by Sara Nelson - I'm not giving very deep descriptions of these books because I feel like I talk about them all the time. This is the one where the books editor at a magazine reads a book a week and writes about it. Now she's someone important at Amazon. I love to read books about other readers and how they read.

  5. Nerd Girl Rocks Paradise City by Anne Thomas Soffee - I know I just talked about this recently. This is the one about the girl that moves to L.A. to be a music writer just as the music scene was moving out of L.A. She finally got the desire to move out when her apartment was under fire during the Rodney King riots.

  6. Twilight by Stephenie Meyer - I'm not proud. And really, I only read the first half.

  7. Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte - Still love it.

  8. Book Lust by Nancy Pearl - The whole series really. I go through it and mark the ones I've read and add ones I think belong.

  9. Bite Me and You Suck by Christopher Moore - These books are hilarious because of one of my favorite characters, Abby Normal, the sharp-tongued, whip-smart, minion of the vampires.

  10. The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield - I read this over and over, even though I know what happens. I like to look for stuff I missed.

I did find 10. Yay me. What books could you re-read again and again?