March 2018 Wrap Up

It is April 2, so that means it's time to review my March reading stats!

Let's start with that March TBR, shall we?

Swans of Fifth Avenue by Melanie Benjamin - Check! - And I loved it.

A Natural History of Dragons by Marie Brennan - In Progress -

Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie - Check! - And better than I expected!

And that's it! I feel pretty good about that. I actually thought there were more.

So what else did I read?

Long Way Down by Jason Reynolds - This is my new favorite YA book. It's told in poems. Yesterday, Will's brother was killed in a drive-by shooting. Today, Will is going to get revenge. He's got his brother's gun, and he knows who did it. He gets on the elevator and is joined by a man. A man who died a long time ago. At each floor another ghost gets on the elevator and talks to Will about his plans.

Goldie Vance, Vol. 1 by Hope Larsen - This cute little graphic novel mystery met the Read Harder Challenge to read a comic not published by Marvel or DC. Goldie vance is a little brown girl whose dad manages a big resort hotel and Goldie parks cars. When a customer reports a missing necklace, Goldie is on the case.

Gemina by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff - This fabulous book is the second in the Illuminae Files. The second half was decidedly more fascinating than the first half. But maybe that's just because I could only read it in little bites instead of scarfing down the whole thing in one go, like I did for the second half. This one seems like it is unrelated to the first, but they come together at the end of this one. The third promises to be just as amazing.

So that's what I read in March.

Three books written by women. 1 book written by a man. And 1 book written by a man and a woman together.

1 - Historical Fiction
1 - Mystery
1 - YA contemporary
1 - YA Sci-fi
1 - Graphic Novel Mystery

I feel like that mixes it up pretty well.

What did you read in March?