Library Update June 2018

Woo hoo! It's time for my library update! Which means school is almost over!! Tonight I have my last class session for one of the 2 classes I'm taking this quarter. 5 days left for the other one. Trying to hang on. But here's what's checked out and on hold right now.

Checked out:

Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking by Susan Cain - I have this checked out as an ebook. I was without a book one day, so I loaded this onto my phone. I read it a few years ago, so I already know I love it. I don't think I'll get it read before it has to go back, but I can enjoy parts of it.

Instant Pot Obsession by Janet A. Zimmerman - I found another Instant Pot cookbook with recipes I can do. The question remains whether or not I WILL do them. I don't spend a lot of time at home, lately.

Allegedly by Tiffany D. Jackson - This is the July book club book. Spoiler for the July TBR!

Locking Up Our Own by James Forman, Jr. - I heard about this on a podcast. It's pretty good in the first 30 pages. His premise is that in the 1970's a bunch of attorney and judge and legislator positions were filled by black people right as the war on crime started. This ended up with black people putting black people in prison at an alarming rate. I'm hoping to have lots of anecdotes to keep it from being too boring. It started out with one about a teenager being sent to detention for 6 months for a relatively minor first-time infraction.

On Hold:

Giants Days Vol. 7 by John Allison - I love this series. I have to wait a long time for the library to get their copy into the system, so here I sit.

Damnation Island by Stacy Horn - I think I talked about this one before. It's the story of Roosevelt Island in New York, where the government had the bright idea to put all the institutions in one place. This 2 mile island had an insane asylum, an almshouse, 2 prisons, and several hospitals. Spoiler alert: it didn't work out too well.

Look Alive Twenty-Five by Janet Evanovich - I will be on hold for this for months. To have any hope of getting it near its release date, you have to get on the list in June. It usually comes out in November. Be ready to see this on the list for the near future.

And that's it. That's what my library account looks like these days. What does your library account look like? Is it seeing any action?