Series I've Given Up On

Today's Top Ten Tuesday topic is Book Series I've Given Up On. I feel like this will be easy because I have read the first in a bunch of series and then decided not to keep reading. On the other hand, I do have a two-page list in my book journal of series I want to continue, so it's not like I just ditch every series. But here are some I'm done with.

The Lives of the Mayfair Witches by Anne Rice - I read the first one in this series way back when I was a new grownup. Or maybe even before that. I remember I read it on an airplane. I think I was alone, but maybe not. I just remember being scared out of my mind by this book. As much as I love Anne Rice, I would prefer sleeping at night. Thanks.

Divergent by Veronica Roth - I read the first one. It was OK. But I have no desire to read the rest in the series. In this dystopian novel, the main character Tris decides to join a clan different from the one her family is in. There is lots of adventure and ridiculous dares. But I really just didn't care.

Vengeance Road by Erin Bowman - I don't think it will shock anyone that I have no desire to read the second in a series of which the first book took me 3 months to read.

Love and Inheritance Trilogy by Fay Weldon - I read the first book in the series for a library book club several years ago. It was OK. Not fantastic. Don't really care.

Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead - Meh. This is about a bunch of fancy vampires and their plebeian body guards. There is of course a love story. It IS a boarding school story, which I'm usually all here for, but this one was kind of boring.

The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer - I think I just don't really care for fairy tale re-tellings. I already know how it's going to go. The first one in the series was a retelling of Cinderella in space. It was fine, but I just don't care.

The Pemberley Chronicles by Rebecca Ann Collins - This series is a travesty on Jane Austen. This continuation of Pride and Prejudice was bordering on Erotica. The language wasn't even close to Austen's writing. It was just bad.

Isabel Dalhousie by Alexander McCall Smith - I actually read about 5 of these books. I liked the main character and her philosophical musings. The mysteries were usually pretty good. But the through line of the plot went sideways when she got pregnant by a much younger man. That just felt wrong. Like McCall Smith was turning it into a soap opera. Bleh.

That's only 7, but now I'm just seeing books I've read that I didn't even know were in series and had no intention of reading the series when I read that one book. So here is my list of series I've given up on. Do you have any series you started but have no intention of finishing?