July 2018 TBR

It's time to decide what I want to attempt to read in the month of July! I have no idea what my reading time will look like after the 12th of July. I am pretty sure there won't be any more than there has been for the last 15 months. But I do have two plane rides and a hotel stay at the beginning of the month, so that might give me a boost.

Allegedly by Tiffany D. Jackson - This is the book club book for July. This is going to be top priority because when I finish it, I need to send my copy on to someone else to read. It's about a teenage girl who allegedly killed a baby. That's really all I know. The girl who picked this book read it a couple of years ago and still thinks about it.

Locking Up Our Own by James Forman Jr. - I have read about a third of this and I'm still intrigued. Looks like it's going to stick. But I won't get it done in June.

Caraval by Stephanie Garber - I want to read this one for a Book Riot Read Harder Challenge. The challenge is to read the first book in a New-To-You YA series. I know the second one of this series is already out and there is at least one more coming. This is the favorite book of one of my dancers, so of course I have to read it.

18 and Life on Skid Row by Sebastian Bach - I pre-ordered this book a year and a half ago, but never read. This will be for a Read Harder challenge to Read a Celebrity Memoir. I guess the singer of a band that was popular in the early 90's is still a celebrity. He still tours. Bach was the lead singer of a band called Skid Row. The title comes from a song they had that was super popular called "18 and Life". It was about a kid that grew up poor and angry and got drunk and shot a friend one night. Heavy stuff, eh?

American Fire by Monica Hesse - I have been staring longingly at this on my shelf for at least 6 months. I think it's finally time to read it. Also, it will fulfill a Read Harder Challenge to Read a Book of Social Science. This is about a string of nightly arsons in a little rural county of Virginia.

I think 5 books is an optimistic number, but I'm counting on that one trip to help me out. i have a long list of books I might take with me. I'm only going for 4 days, but I'm taking a huge suitcase to contain all the books I might need to bring. I want to make sure I have something to accommodate any mood I might be in.