June 2018 Wrap Up

I actually read some books last month! Let's talk about them.

Ms. Marvel Vol. 6: Civil War II by G. Willow Wilson - I didn't love this one as much as the others. Captain Marvel comes back and is kind of heinous. It's hard to watch Ms. Marvel lose her respect for her hero.

An American Marriage by Tayari Jones - This was the book club book for June. I really liked it. It was easy to read, the story flowed right along, it was about race and unfair imprisonment, but it was mostly about a marriage under pressure. I wrote a whole review of it here if you want a reminder.

Vengeance Road by Erin Bowman - I finally finished this! It isn't that long of a book, but I just couldn't get it done! I mean, really! I finished the last half of it pretty quick when I finally decided to focus on it. Maybe it was just a function of being during a busy month/months.

Amina's Voice by Hena Khan - I read this over a couple of lunch breaks at the library. It's about a 6th grade girl who does not like all the changes middle school is bringing. Her best friend is being nice to a girl Amina thinks is a bully. Her friend is also getting American citizenship and is changing her name. And she really wants to perform in the school musical, but she's too scared to open her mouth in front of people. When tragedy strikes, she finds out what friendship is really about.

Lumberjanes Vol. 7: Bird's Eye View by Shannon Watters - This was hilarious. Camp counselor Jen is really nervous about the upcoming visit from the Grand Council, the group of old ladies who started the camp way back when. When their bus shows up it gets stolen by a Roc with all the ladies in it. The counselors decide to rescue the Grand Council and goes to the nest. These books are all really bizarre, but have a cute little moral in all of them.

Giant Days Vol. 7 by John Allison - In this installment, we find our college friends headed home for Christmas. Susan's parents are in crisis and her dad is living in the yard in a mobile home. After the break, the girls find something strange happening in their garage, and Daisy has trouble with her love life. These comics remind me a lot of college, except these kids have some really weird stuff happening. Not supernatural weird, just crazy.

Now that I've told you what I read, let's look at what I planned to read in June. Ah, the best-laid plans of Mice and Men.

An American Marriage by Tayari Jones - Check!

Vengeance Road by Erin Bowman - Check!!

Careless People by Sarah Churchwell - Um, no. But it's still on my bedside table, and it still has a bookmark in it. I haven't given up yet.

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen - I'm working on it. I read a little bit every once in awhile. I'm on chapter 15 now. Mr. Collins has just turned up.

What fun things did you read in June?