Shopping in Syracuse!

I bought some books. I know you're shocked. I want to show you what I bought.

At first, I felt bad for just going to Barnes and Noble, but the only local bookstores appear to be comics/used books. I didn't really feel like picking through used books. As it turned out, the B&N here had a couple of books I hadn't been able to fine at home as well as some books about the area, which I wouldn't be able to find at home, either.

These two books have been on my want list for awhile.

See What I Have Done by Sarah Schmidt - This is a fictionalized version of the Lizzie Borden story.

The Four Tendencies by Gretchen Rubin - This is a personality book. I love those and I love Gretchen Rubin's book.

Books about books! I hadn't been able to find these at home and they were right there on the same shelf!!!

What to Read and Why by Francine Prose - Some of you might remember a bazillion years ago when I read How to Read and Why by Harold Bloom. It pissed me off. I was going to write an essay about it. Francine Prose wrote a whole book about it. Probably, she did it better. I'm gonna read it.

Packing My Library by Alberto Manguel - The author moved from France to Manhattan. This book is about the process of moving his 35,000 book library. Or not moving it, as it may be.

I bought these three books from the Syracuse section of the library. Pretty excited to check them out now that I've seen some of the place.