August 2018 TBR

I seriously can't believe how fast July flew by. I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm all for summer getting over with as quickly as possible. But man! It seems like I was in New York just last weekend, but I'm about to go to Denver.

The end of the month means it's time to decide what to read next month! I'm excited about this. I read a ton of books in July, and I'm hoping to read a ton more in August. I might be overly ambitious, but I like it.

The Sleepwalker by Chris Bohjalian - This is the first book on the list because it is the book club book for August. From what I can gather from Goodreads, this book is about a woman who sleepwalks and ends up in mysterious and terrifying places. One night she disappears altogether. The detective investigating the case seems weird. There are some unanswered questions. I think it might be a thriller. The girl who picked it likes thrillers, so that would make sense.

Careless People by Sarah Churchwell - I started this a few months ago and promptly fell asleep. I haven't picked it up since, but it's been sitting by my bed waiting for me. I am going to read it, if for no other reason that to make it quit hanging over my head. It keeps looking at me: read me. This is the one about the making of The Great Gatsby.

Ok. For the next ones, I'm going to choose one from the oldest 20 on my TBR, one from the newest 20 on my TBR, and one from the middle page of my TBR on Goodreads.

The End of Your Life Book Club by Will Schwalbe - I have already read about half of this book, so it ought to be relatively easy to finish, right? I pretty well remember what was happening. It'll be fine. This is the memoir about the time the author's mother was in treatment for pancreatic cancer and they read books and talked about them to keep her mind off what was going on with her body.

Greater Syracuse: a Twentieth Century Album by Onondaga Historical Association - I should read this before I forget what I saw while I was there.

The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid - I am super excited about this book. I was real happy when I saw it on the middle page of my TBR. It's about an Elizabeth Taylor type figure who asks a biographer to take down her life story. It's supposed to be quite salacious. Sounds like fun!

Most of these books on this list are not very big. And The End of Your Life Book Club I only have to read half of. So I'm going to treat myself and get a book from the library to read as well. I realized I only have two fiction books on this list so I'm going to go back to my Goodreads list and find a fiction book to order from the library to make it even.

Blackass by A. Igoni Barrett - This book appears to be a bit of magical realism. The main character, who lives in Lagos, wakes up one morning to find he has transformed into a white man. This changes everything for him. Being a white man in Lagos opens up the world to him. Except, his butt is still very, very black. This has been on my list for over 2 years. Now seems like a great time to read it. And the good news is, it's also a small book.

So that's six books to read in August. The longest one is 432 pages. I think I can handle this.

What do you want to read in August?

Edited to add: I just realized that none of these books meets a Read Harder Challenge requirement. Ack! Ok. Think, Adrienne. Ok. I really want to read Bluebird Bluebird by Attica Locke, so I'm going to tentatively add it to this list. It fits the bill of a mystery written by an author of color or and LGBTQIA+ author. Attica Locke is African-American.

Also, I just realized The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo had a main character over 60 years of age. Well, for the book's setting anyway. There are lots of flashbacks. I'm counting it.