Books I Want to Re-Read

I usually have a posting schedule with ideas for topics to write about, but the last two weeks have been absolute chaos, so I'm just doing this post here for a good time. I have a shelf on my Goodreads for books I want to re-read. Here are some of the books on that shelf.

The Hemingway Book Club of Kosovo by Paula Huntly - My sister Barbara gave this to me years ago. I read it and loved it, but also felt like I didn't really understand it all. I have been feeling the need to go back and read it again to see if I'm any smarter, now.

The Novel Cure by Ella Berthoud - This is probably not the kind of book you read cover to cover, but of course that's exactly what I did. It's a dictionary of illnesses and states of being and what you should read when you are suffering from that or find yourself in that state. It's kind of hilarious but also spot on.

Death With Interruptions by Jose Saramago - I thought this book was hilarious. My friend thought it was weird. People stop dying. At first this seems great, but there are complications. No one is dying, but plenty of people are deathly ill. Hospitals overflow, funeral homes go out of business, and death is sitting alone in her apartment contemplating her navel.

Neither Here Nor There: Travels in Europe by Bill Bryson - I laughed til I cried while reading this the first time. This was before Bryson turned into a curmudgeonly "get-off-my-lawn" old man. His description of Northern European TV was hysterical.

A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini - I liked this one even better than The Kite Runner. Maybe because I related better to women than teen boys. This book is heart breaking, but beautiful. And it makes me want to eat Indian Food. But really, when do I not want to eat Indian Food. It's about two women married to the same abusive, selfish, egotistical, awful man.

The Eyre Affair by Jasper Fforde - I haven't read this in years, but I remember feeling very bookish when I got the literary jokes. Probably I missed a few. I'd like to go back and find out.

This list is separate from the books I re-read on the regular, so hopefully you saw something new and interesting here. What would you like to re-read?