Book Blogs I Love

Today's Top Ten Tuesday topic is my favorite book blogs. Feel free to go check these out in your spare time. I realize I'm saying this at the risk of losing my readership to other blogs, but I'll take the chance.

Modern Mrs. Darcy - I mean, the name alone is a clue. Anne Bogel is the author and she's all about the books. She even has a book podcast called What Should I Read Next? where she interviews readers about 3 books they love, one book they hate, and what they're reading now, and then she gives them recommendations for what to try next. She has a lovely voice and I love hearing her recommendations while I think of my own. One of the things she does on her book blog is a thing where multiple bloggers make a "currently reading" post and then link it to her blog. I can look at zillions of other book blogs this way and add to my already ridiculous TBR list.

Book Riot - This website is all bout books. They literally have all the book news, as well as editorial pieces and reviews and lists and it's really fun. They also have podcasts. I listen to all of them. I'd say 75% of my podcast listening is Book Riot podcasts.

That's really all. I have a ton of Book Instagram people I look at. I subscribe to a zillion Tumblr book blogs. But that's really it for actual book blogs. No wait. I watch a crap ton of YouTube book bloggers. My favorites on YouTube are Peruse Project, Books with Chloe, Aprilius Maximus, Sam's Nonsense, and Thoughts on Tomes, to name a few.