Friday Reads 10/19/18

Welp, it's Friday again. And once again, that means very little in my life as I have to work tomorrow. Tonight is book club. Tomorrow night is my friends' open house. Sunday is my usual routine of various volunteer pursuits. And then back at it on Monday. There isn't a lot of reading time in there, but I might get to squeeze some in.

Book Savvy by Cynthia Lee Katona - This is the first one of the books I borrowed from TCC library that I have started. It's the slimmest. I figured I'd fly through this one so I can feel accomplished. It was written 10 years ago, at least. It is basically a compilation of book reviews. I've read a lot of them, so my TBR isn't growing as much as it could. I'm enjoying it though. It's good relaxation reading.

The Readers' Advisory Handbook by Jessica E. Moyer - This is the next contestant from my TCC Library pool. I don't get to do a ton of readers' advisory, but it's one of my favorite things, so I like to keep my skills sharp.

That's about all I'll have time for this weekend. What's on your nightstand these days?