Joy of Christmas Book Tag

I am looking for things to post. I've found a couple of holiday book tags which look entertaining. Here is the first one.

Anticipation: The Christmas excitement is real, what book release(s) are you most anticipating?

  • I am really looking forward to Diane Setterfield's new book Once Upon a River that just came out this week. I hope it's as good as her first one.

Christmas Songs & Carols: What book or author can you not help but sing its praises?

  • Obviously that would be Donna Leon. I am slowly reading through her entire ouevre and I love them.

Gingerbread Houses: What book or series has wonderful world building?

  • I'm going to go back to Heartstone by Ella Katharine White for this one. Yes, it's a Pride and Prejudice retelling, but it isn't set in a real era or world. She had to build this world where the ruling class are friends with dragons and the populace is dealing with attacks by various mythical creatures.

A Christmas Carol Favorite classic or one that you want to read

  • My favorite classic is Pride and Prejudice. But I feel like re-reading Persuasion. I also want to read some more Dickens.

Christmas Sweets: What book would you love to receive for Christmas

  • Winter by Ali Smith. I am feeling a tug for that one recently.

Candles in the Window: What book gives you that warm fuzzy feeling

  • Any of the Jane Austen Mysteries by Stephanie Barron. I think this series is done because I noticed she's gone on to write a book about Virginia Woolf and one about Churchill's mother.

Christmas Trees & Decorations: What are some of your favorite book covers?

  • Oh boy. This could be quite a list.

Christmas Joy: What are some of your favorite things about Christmas And/Or some of your favorite Christmas memories?

  • I mostly love the atmosphere of Christmas. All the hustle and bustle is over and I can relax. I spend Christmas Eve at the church with my dancers every year. That is a great joy, but it is also tiring. We are together for about 8 hours. By Christmas Day I am ready to collapse.

How about you? What are your answers?