Winter TBR

I guess winter starts Friday? Ok. So, here are some books I hope to read in the next 3 months. I say "hope" because that's really all this is. We all know I can't make a reading list and stick to it for 3 months. Where's the fun in that? Let's play along, shall we?

The Hour of Land by Terry Tempest Williams - This is the last book on my list for the BookRiot Read Harder Challenge. After this one book, I will have read 24 books on the challenge. This will be the 2nd year in a row I've completed the challenge. This book is to fill the requirement to "Read a book about Nature". This book is about National Parks. I think that counts as nature.

Exit West by Mohsin Hamid - I happen to have advance notice that this is the book club pick for January. So, I plan to read it in Winter, along with all the other book club picks in these 3 months.

Thereby Hangs a Tail by Spencer Quinn - This has been hanging around on my TBR for an embarrassingly long time. Also, it just so happens that one of the 2019 Read Harder Challenges is to read a book in which an animal or inanimate object is a point-of-view character. Since this series is told by Chet the dog, I think it definitely counts.

Still Life by Louise Penny - Why are you laughing? Oh. I see. Because this book has shown up on various TBRs for the last two years. Yeah, well, yuck it up. One day I'm actually going to read this book. You'll see.

In May I will be assigned the task to read so many 2018 YA books that my head is already spinning. I figure it might be a good idea to read some in advance in an attempt to get a jump start on that reading, if possible. Here are some books that I think might make the bunch.

Dread Nation by Justina Ireland - This is a book about when the Civil War was called to a halt to deal with a zombie invasion. All the former slaves were called up to fight the zombies. The main character is a badass broad. I'm in.

Leah On the Offbeat by Becky Albertalli - This is about a loner, slightly overweight, gay girl. I like Albertalli's other books, and this one had a lot of buzz this year. Also, I already own it.

Truly Devious by Maureen Johnson - About a century ago, a man designed a boarding school for kids who wanted to learn their own way. Shortly afterward, his wife and daughter were kidnapped and murdered. The ransom notes were signed Truly Devious. Present Day: our main character gets herself admitted to the school to find out who did it. Oops! A student goes missing. Ransom note signed: Truly Devious.

Undead Girl Gang by Lily Anderson - I meant to read this in October, but I didn't get to it. It got pretty rave reviews this year, so I think I need to pick it up now before it gets sent to me in a required list.

People Like Us by Dana Mele - Another mystery about a dead student. This one puts every student on the list of suspects, including our main character.

Neverworld Wake by Marisha Pessl - This is Pessl's first foray into YA lit. A lot of people liked this this year, so I imagine it will be on my list.

So there are 10 books I hope to read this winter. What's on your Winter TBR?