24 in 48 Readathon (and life update)
What a weekend! Friday afternoon I went to the doctor to deal with some bleeding sinuses issues. I got the predictable sinus infection diagnosis and a course of antibiotics and steroids. Saturday, I read a book. And cleaned a little, but mostly I read a book. Sunday, I worked and cleaned. Monday, though. Monday I went nuts. I had planned to take it easy, rest up from my work day Sunday, and generally get ready for the day. Especially since I was up until 4:00 a.m. Sunday night because my dog peed on my bed at 1:20 a.m. (He was upset because the cat had been hanging out on the bed for a couple of hours and stunk the place up.)
I got up Monday morning and started some laundry. Then I started meal prepping. I paused long enough to take my daughter to an appointment, and then I worked some more. I prepped 4 dinners with sides, breakfast for the week, and a salad. Then I made dinner. Then I cleaned the kitchen. Then I handwashed the dishes that were laying around. I had to force myself to stop at 9:30 at night. I took a shower and went to bed. I have lost some weight in the last week and I thought that was the cause of my energy spike. Then I remembered I'm on steroids. Oh well. Enjoy it while it lasts, I guess.
This coming weekend is the 24 in 48 Readathon. I'm pretty excited. I haven't had the opportunity to really participate in awhile because grad school and Saturday shifts. This weekend I'm not working and I don't have any appointments. Sunday will be pretty tough because I have to ring in church in the morning, and then bells and dance rehearsal from 5:00 on. The readathon starts at midnight on Saturday morning and goes to midnight Sunday night.
If I have to remove 5 hours on Sunday for ringing in church and then 4 hours in the evening for rehearsals, that means I have 39 hours to get in 24 hours of reading. Yeah, that's probably not happening, but I intend to have fun trying.
I only have two books left on my January TBR, so that is what I will be focusing on for this readathon.
I am currently about 25% through The Last Castle by Denise Kiernan. It's not huge, but it's non-fiction, so it's a little slow going.
I am kind of hoping I don't finish that one because I'd hate to spend the whole readathon on just one book. But either way, I will mostly be reading A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness. This book is rather large at almost 600 pages, but I don't remember it taking a long time the last time I read it. Here's hoping.
Wish me luck!