Friday Reads 1/25/19

It's snowing!!!! My sister in New Mexico said she was getting snow this week, but I didn't think it would make it all the way here, so I am verging on ecstatic and irritating all my coworkers who don't share my love of cold and snow.

This weekend. As you know, my reading plans have undergone a drastic restructuring in the last couple of days. Also, this weekend is the 24 in 48 readathon, so that is dominating my reading plans.

The Last Castle by Denise Kiernan - I am hoping to finish this one up during the readathon. It's really good, but I need to focus on my assigned reading, so I'd like to wrap it up. I've got up to the part where Mr. Vanderbilt has married Edith and brough her to the castle and they are having people for Christmas.

A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness - This one is up next on my personal reading list. I read it several years ago and liked it, but I never went on to read the others in the series. Now I've forgotten how it goes, so I need to start over. This is on my list of 5 books to reread this year.

I think this is about as far as I'll get this weekend, even with the readathon. I've got some chores to do also, so that will eat up some of my time. Not to mention that darn 5 hours I have to spend at church Sunday morning and a couple more Sunday night.

What is on your list this weekend?