Reading Slog

I'm sure every reader can relate, but I'm just not getting a lot of reading done.

I'm currently reading three books (kind of). A little here, a little there. It doesn't amount to getting anything done. I'm reading Watch Us Rise by Renee Watson and Ellen Hagen on my Kindle which I keep next to my bed. I don't do a lot of reading in bed because I tend to fall asleep, which is great for being in bed, but not great for getting reading done. At the table, I (rudely) have A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness which I read a little bit of when I'm eating alone or when my table partner is busy with his computer, so I might as well be eating alone. And I'm carrying Everything I Never Told You by Celeste Ng in my work bag so I can read it during my down time or lunch.

Weekdays have been so busy this week that I don't seem to be reading more than a few pages at a time. In fact, Tuesday night, I was asleep by 8:30. I hadn't slept well the couple of nights before that and I ended up sleeping about 12 hours that night, which was lovely, but I didn't get much reading done.

Tonight, my kid is going to be out on a babysitting job, so maybe I'll have time to sneak in some reading without her running commentary on what she's found on the internet.

I'm counting on some major reading time this weekend. The only thing on my calendar is a bell rehearsal on Sunday. That's it.

How is your reading life treating you?