Friday Reads 3/15/19

Howdy y'all. I'm currently at a library conference, but we're heading home today. Tonight is book club, so not a lot of reading happening today. Tomorrow, is do-nothing day. Well, laundry. I plan to do some laundry. And get my nails done. My daughter and I have plans to binge watch Queer Eye on Netflix Saturday, but I still hope to get some reading in. I have to work Sunday and then go to bells and dance, so slim chance there.

In other news, I met an author yesterday. I have read and really liked a couple of her books, so it was super cool to talk to her.

A Curse So Dark and Lonely by Brigid Kimmerer - I'm over half way done with this book. It has over 600 pages, so it's a chunker. I'm really enjoying it. The title is awful. But the story is really good.

After that I have several options. I don't think I want to read another fantasy, so I'm leaning toward some contemporary books. Probably one of these two:

Let's Go Swimming on Doomsday by Natalie C. Anderson - This book sounds like it's going to be a 3-alarm snot bomb. It's about a Somali refugee who is forced to become a child soldier.

Someday We Will Fly by Rachel de Woskin - This one is not a contemporary. It's historical. Lillia's family are circus performers in Poland until her mom disappears and her dad flees to Shanghai with her and her little sister. It's 1940 and they have big problems which only get worse when they get set to an internment camp in China.

Wow. Those are both big downers. Well, we'll see what happens.

What are you reading?