The TBR Book Tag

I found this tag on KimberlyFayeReads. I may have done it before, but the answers will be different this time.

How do you keep track of your TBR pile? Everything I could ever possibly want to read is on my To-Read list on Goodreads. All the books I own and want to read are on one bookshelf in my house. I have a few on Kindle, also. I have a separate bookshelf for my award nomination books. It's a lot of books.

Is your TBR mostly print or ebooks? Mostly print. I have a few books on my Kindle, but I do prefer the smell of a print book.

How do you determine which book to read next? Mostly, I just look at the shelves and decide what I feel like. I tend to jump around in genres and not read the same kind of books back to back. If I can't decide that way, I go to Goodreads and see what's been on the shelf the longest and see if that strikes my fancy. I am definitely a mood reader.

A book that has been on your TBR the longest. That would be Thereby Hangs a Tail by Spencer Quinn. I started it once, but it was the wrong time to read it, so I put it down. I have a growing collection of books in this series, so I would really like to read it.

A book you recently added to you TBR My most recent add is Voice: the final hours of Joan of Arc by David Elliott. I've heard mixed things about it, so we will see if it stays on the list.

A book on your TBR strictly for its beautiful cover. I am a self-proclaimed cover slut, but I do try to only put pretty books on my TBR if I actually want to read them. No book is there strictly for the cover. However, here is a beautiful cover for a book I don't know much about. I put it on my list because I felt like reading short stories.

A book on your TBR that you never plan on reading. That is missing the point of a TBR. I mean, it stands for To Be Read. If I find a book on my list that I honestly don't think I'll ever read, I take it off the list.

An unpublished book on your TBR that you're excited for. The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern. She's finally coming out with another book! The Night Circus is one of my favorite books and I've read it several times.

A book on your TBR that basically everyone has read but you. Probably All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr. I have it on my shelf. People say it's great. Haven't read it.

A book on your TBR that everyone recommends to you. Ok. People don't really recommend books to me. But my niece sent me this one for Christmas... The Royal We by Heather Cocks and Jessica Morgan.

A book on your TBR that you're dying to read. The Dreamers by Karen Joy Fowler. I just can't fit it in right now.

How many books are on your Goodreads TBR I hope you're sitting down. It's a lot.

TBR - 641 books
On my actual shelves - 259 (although I don't really think that's accurate.) This number is part of the 641 books on my TBR. It's still a lot of books.

Now it's your turn. Tell me about your TBR.