Crazy Things I've Done for the Love of Books!

Today's Top Ten Tuesday Topics is "crazy things I've done for the love of books". I'm not a particularly wild and crazy gal. I haven't gone to the midnight release of a Twilight or Harry Potter book. Also, cazy is in the eye of the beholder right? I can only think of three crazy things I have done for the love of books.

Firstly, I dressed up like a favorite book character for Halloween several years running.

Secondly, I went to grad school for a Masters in Library and Information Science. The craziest part about this, in my opinion, is that I got a Masters in SCIENCE. Definitely not my forte.

Lastly, and possibly the craziest thing I've done for books, depending on how you look at it, is join the reading team for the local awards

What crazy things have you done for books?