Friday Reads 5/3/19

Apparently, I forgot to post this on Friday. Oops.

It's my Friday off. I'm mostly just going to lie around doing as little as possible. Luckily, reading doesn't require a lot of physical exertion! Hope to read some books!

Geekerella by Ashley Poston - This is a fun little book! It's a retelling of Cinderella set in modern-day cosplay world.

Reader, I Married Him edited by Tracy Chevalier - I blame my sister Barbara for this deviation from my award reading. These are stories based on Jane Eyre.

Speaking of award reading, I can't decide what I want to read next. I kind of feel like reading a contemporary book, but also want to read a fantasy. The struggle is real!

For the contemporary pick:

I'm Not Dying With You Tonight by Kimberly Jones and Gilly Segal - This is about to girls from completely different worlds who both go to the high school football game. They get thrown together during the chaos following a hate-filled attack.

And for the fantasy pick:

Wicked Saints by Emily A. Duncan - I know almost nothing about this book. I heard a podcaster describe it as reading a heavy metal song. So I'm in.

So that's the list of way-more-than-I-have-time-for books. What are you planning to read?