Friday Reads 5/24/19

Hello 3-day weekend!!! I actually get the whole three days!! One of my former dancers is getting married on Sunday. I'm hoping to spend Saturday reading.

I started a new reading strategy. I chose 4 books to read. I counted the number of days til the end of the month and divided each book up with tabs. Each section has the number of pages required to finish that book by the end of the month. I don't read a section in every book every day, but I do read four sections every day. Some books will get done first because I just have been reading out of those books, but if I read 4 sections a day, all the books will get done. So far, so good! Here are the books:

Spin by Lamar Giles - I told all about this in yesterday's post, so I'll keep it short and sweet, here. It's a mystery about black teens and a murdered DJ.

Works Well With Others: An Outsider's Guide to Shaking Hands, Shutting Up, Handling Jerks, and Other Crucial Skills in Business That No One Ever Teaches You by Ross McCammon - This is what it says on the tin. He talks about how to shake hands, how to dress for your first day of work, how to give a toast, how to handle a business lunch. It's not earth-shattering, but it does line out the things you're just supposed to know, but you might have questions.

Sherwood by Megan Spooner - This is a retelling of the Robin Hood story. In this version, Robin of Locksley never made it back from the Crusades. His betrothed, Marian, put on his cloak and went out trying to do good. Now everyone thinks the ghost of Locksley is running around, and people are scared. I'm only about a quarter through this one, but I'm liking it so far.

Sky Without Stars by Jessica Brody and Joanne Rendell - This is billed as Les Miserables in space. So far, we've got the Marie Antoinette character suggesting they give the peasants cake. The main character is a teen girl, so I'm trying to figure out which Les Mis character she's supposed to be. Jean ValJean? The daughter? I don't have any idea. Also, I'm about 14% into it, so it might be too early to tell. This one is really big, so I'm only planning to finish half of it be the end of May.

That's what I've got going on right now. What do you plan to read on this long weekend?