Friday Reads 6/14/19

It is a sign of how my life is in chaos that I haven't posted a single thing since last week's Friday reads. I had two big programs Tuesday, got my hair done Wednesday, recovered on Thursday, and now here we are. And I'm reading some stuff.

Sky Without Stars by Jessica Brody and Joanne Rendell - At 65% into the book, I finally found the resemblance to Les Miserables. This led me to see that it is told from a completely different persepective from the original. That's why I could only kind of see the likeness. It's still good. It's still large. But I'm getting through it.

The Boy Next Story by Tiffany Schmidt - This is also a carryover from last week. A teen girl is in love with her next door neighbor, who is in love with her sister, who is in love with the captain of the lacrosse team. Our heroine is an awkward loner type who just can't seem to fit in until she makes a friend in art class. That's all I got so far. It's cute. It's fluffy. I'm enjoying it.

Dig by A. S. King - I'm a little nervous about this one. King's work is hit or miss for me. Her books tend to be very weird and sometimes they veer too far into la la land. This is about the grandchildren of a supremely wealthy couple who won't share with their family. None of the characters have real names: The Freak, CanIHelpYou?, Loretta the Flea-Circus Ring Mistress, etc.

We Contain Multitudes by Sarah Henstra - This is a lovely gay book for Pride month. Our two main characters get paired up in English class for a letter-writing assignment. The project leads to a friendship and then love in a deeply homo-phobic community.

Amelia Westlake Was Never Here by Erin Gough - In order to point out flaws in their school's policies and the inappropriate behavior of their swim coach, some kids create a non-existent student to fight the power. Sounds like a rollicking good time.

There you have it. 5 books on my nightstand. Here's hoping for solid reading time this weekend.